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Plumbing The Bay - San Francisco, Bay Area, Sacramento, Fresno

Preventative Maintenance Services

Keep Your Plumbing System Operating Reliably By Calling A Plumbing Maintenance Specialist Today!

Plumbing The Bay is your plumbing and sewer repair expert in the entire Bay Area and Sacramento. We find solutions to even the toughest problems. When a cable or snake fails to clear your sewer line or drains, we use state-of-the-art, high-pressure hydro-jetting equipment (up to 3200 PSI/shooting at 12 gallons/minute) to remove clogs, roots, debris, and foreign objects from your sewer and drain lines. The hydro-jetter will scour the walls of the pipes to remove even the most stubborn blockages without any damage.

Hydro-jetting is also the best choice for preventative maintenance. In most cases, hydro-jetting can virtually restore a sewer or drain line to its original condition. Plumbing The Bay will evaluate your needs and design a specific 90-day, semi-annual or annual Preventive Maintenance Program to keep your doors open for business, protect your valuable investment, ensure health department compliance and prevent loss of revenue as a result of expensive closures.

1. Estimation
2. Arrival
3. Our Equipment
4. Storm Drain Cleaning
5. Rain Gutter Cleaning
6. Sewer Line Jetting
7. Storm Drain Jetting
8. Professional Cleaning

Plumbing The Bay - San Francisco, Bay Area, Sacramento, Fresno
Our Services
Plumbing The Bay

2570 Barrington Court Hayward CA 94545

24/7 Live Answering

License: 1110329

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